Zi Hui's contributions on research

1.    I researched the lift system process when the cabin is overloaded by searching how the lift overload system works on Google Scholar.

2.    I researched how lifts detect the weight within the cabin and found out the usage of load cells on lifts to detect lift overload through articles and journals.

3.    I thought about the practicality of using thermal imaging sensors as our solution, hence I researched on usage of thermal imaging sensors to identify human presence based on body heat radiating

4.    I also researched how smart cameras capture human presence and calculate the number of people based on the number of heads and shoulders through Google Scholar and reliable articles.

5.    I researched how passive infra-red operates and the usage of Passive infra-red in detecting motion in enclosed environments.

6.    Drafted up on the Problem statement.

7. I researched the statistics such as the number of lifts Otis has maintained and explained the benefits Elevatenow can offer to Otis in overall energy saving and user experience.


  1. Thanks, Zihui! You certainly have the "what" described, but not the how. Could you explain?


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